Home » Akashic Meditation Course
Akashic Meditation Course
A guided introduction to meditation by Eluña
The following series of 5 meditations lays the foundation for how to calm the body, clear the mind, and meditate as Eluña does. This series establishes a foundation that builds on itself to teach you how to feel your auric field, your energy centers, and access Higher Realms.
5 MIN This introduction from Eluña explains what you can expect from this course and how to follow it in a way that...
5 MIN This first meditation is the foundation for the rest of the course. Start here to familiarize yourself with the energies coming...
11 MIN In this meditation, you will learn to sustain your focus, enhance your discipline, and establish a relationship with your breath....
21 MIN In this meditation, you familiarize yourself and practice the skill of drawing energy up and in, holding it then letting it...
38 MIN In this meditation, you clear and restore the chakra centers used for astral travel and accessing the Akashic Records....
45 MIN In this meditation, you visit you sacred place of power and learn how to draw your scattered energy back to your...